C90 Family

A Family of 90 mm caliber weapon systems for the infantry, composed of the reliable and very light C90-CR (M3.5), the CS90 which allows shooting from very small confined spaces and the C90 Reusable, the lightest in the world in its class.
A variety of munitions is available for the different systems of the C90 family (anti-tank, anti-bunker, dual-purpose, smoke and enhanced blast) providing to our systems with the highest versatility against any scenario

C90-CR (M3.5)

The single shot version, the lightest in the market

The 90 mm caliber weapon system for infantry composed of a variety of munitions (anti-tank,- dual-purpose, anti-bunker and smoke masking) integrated in a disposable launching tube


The single shoot version with confined space capabilities

The 90 mm caliber weapon system for infantry composed of a variety of munitions (anti-tank, dual-purpose and anti-bunker) integrated in a disposable launching tube, which can be fired from very small confined spaces

C90 Reusable

The lightest reloadable version in the market

The lightest reusable weapon in its category (3,9 kg) that can be combined with two aiming devices, an optic sight or an opto-electronic sight named e-IVISION
A variety of unguided munitions (anti-tank,- dual-purpose, anti-bunker, smoke masking and enhanced blast) is available for the C90 Reusable
