1943 Company Formation

1943 Formation

INSTALAZA is registered as “Sociedad Anónima”, as the successor of the previous Instalaciones Zaragoza, S.L.


1951 «Bazooka» Project

INSTALAZA joins the “bazooka” project, starting its history in the defense sector

1953 MOD.53

Our first Rocket Launcher, the MOD.53, 88,9 mm caliber, is operationally evaluated and enters servicemodelo 53


1957 FTV

Our 7,62 mm compatible Rifle Grenades are operationally evaluated and enter service



1958 Shaped-charge rockets

Operational evaluation and entry into service


1962 Export

First export contract of 88,9 mm rocket launcher and ammunition

modelo 65


1983 C90

1983 Operational evaluation and entry into service of the first generation of C90 Systems

1984 Operational evaluation and entry into service of TR90 Subcaliber Trainer for C90 Systems and its training ammunition



1986 Ballistics Laboratory

The Spanish Ministry of Defense authorizes the creation of INSTALAZA’s ballistics laboratory in San Gregorio Proving Ground



1987 TOW

Manufacturing of TOW missile canister


H-APG_2154 r


1988 C90

Entry into service of the second generation of the C90 weapon system

1989 Optronics

Optronics department established

1993 Facilities

Set up of melt-cast explosive loading facility




Entry into servicealhambra-DO

2005 Facilities

INSTALAZA signs an agreement with the Spanish MoD for the use of Cadrete Depot, next to INSTALAZA II



2005 Night Vision

INSTALAZA’s VN-MF is awarded with the night vision tender for the new Spanish Army Assault Rifle HK G36-E



2008 ALCOTAN-100

First contract of the second generation of ALCOTAN-100, with better performance and lower weight than the previous generation, and equipped with new anti-tank and anti-bunker warheads



2008 C90

Entry into service of the fourth generation of the C90 weapon system

2014 C90 Reusable

New C90 Reusable, part of C90 family, following operational requirements of our customers. An ultralight reusable launcher tube capable of firing the latest generation of C90 ammunition

C90 reusable


2015 CS90

The CS90, capable of being fired from very small confined spaces, joined the C90 family. With this addition, the C90 family addresses all possible operational needs of our customers



2018 VOSEL (M2)-IR

Development of the new VOSEL (M2)-IR with integrated thermal camera



2019 Facilities

INSTALAZA procures the Cadrete Depot from the Spanish MoD. With this addition, INSTALAZA II manufacturing and storage facility reaches 2.5 square kilometers (250 hectares)

2020 Optronics

New sight e-IVISION for the C90 Reusable with electronic display and ammunition type selection



2021 FS100

Development of the FS100 Fire Control Unit for the munitions of the ALCOTAN-100 (M2) family


2022 CS70

Development of a new Shoulder Launched Munition, 70 mm caliber, smaller size, single-use and with confined spaces capability.



2024 Corporative Image

INSTALAZA presents its new updated corporate image as part of its upgrade and modernisation plan,
